Hey! I’m Julie, a stay at home mom to 3 little ones. My husband Tim and I have been married for 5 years and live in the town I grew up in. We have a pretty “basic” life. Family is the most important thing to the both of us and we have created our life around it. We have oodles of nieces and nephews and both our parents have lake homes we love to spend time at.
Our kids keep me on my toes daily. We have a boy, Eli who is 3, a girl Lea, who is 1, and another boy Owen who is 4 months old. Busy and chaotic is an understatement. I am not conditioned to be a stay at home mom. It’s hard. So hard. Some people can rock it, I can not. I would much prefer to work outside the home. Before our 3rd, I worked for a wonderful company for 6 years and am counting down the days till I can go back. My husband works 12 hour shifts and his schedule is different every week so a Monday-Friday job for myself just doesn’t work. When I was working we would only have 4 days off together every month and we needed and wanted more than that for our family.
My sister and I started this blog because if there is one thing we know how to do it’s shop. We have always enjoyed it and when the UPS driver says to you before Thanksgiving “I guess I’ll see you everyday to Christmas” you know you do it often. Being a mom of 3 under 3 I LOVE Amazon. I mean, I don’t have to leave the house to go and get snacks, diapers or even toilet paper! How awesome is that. And who really wants to take 3 kids to the store by themselves? Not me! Besides Amazon, I have a love for Nordstrom, Target and Old Navy.
I am excited to start sharing all of the things that I fall in love with. Maybe you’ll fall in love with it too or maybe you’ll laugh. Either way it should provide you some entertainment. So I hope you stay, come back often and enjoy what we have to offer.