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Goodbye Summer!

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Summer is over and just in case I was thinking we could hold on a little longer,  this week has made it crystal clear that is not happening! Nothing like a traveling husband, a broken AC on two of the highest days of summer, all after school activities starting, and we are still over here trying to recoup from our 4 day weekend hangover. Anybody with me? This may feel like the LONGEST short week EVER!!

I thought I would share a few  tips and tricks I have tried and had success with over the years as we navigate this FULL life!! I should also say I know every family is different and function under different circumstances, these are just some ideas that I have found work for us! If you have a system that works for you, please share! I am always looking for ideas on how our day can run more smoothly!

The outfit Dilemma:

My son is super easy, as long as I don’t ask him to wear anything other than a t-shirt and shorts. LOL

The girls: I hung one of these in their closet a few years ago and it has been a life saver. When all the stars align, we will fill in each cubby with  outfits for the entire week on Sundays.  We check the weather for the week and also add any items they will need for after school activities-dance clothes, softball uniform, etc. It saves us from scurrying around last minute looking for that missing uniform sock, etc.

Find it here:


Snacks: I have a “school snack basket”  in one of our kitchen drawers! The kids know these snacks are safe for all of them to take to school, no peanuts, etc. I do try to remind them, but they need to remember to put their school snack in their bag.

Lunches/Dinners: We are on the go a lot and we use these little containers almost daily! They have held up so well! I do try to sit down on Sunday and plan out our dinners. Most nights we are eating dinner in the car or I have to have it ready when they get home from school.  I try to do a double batch of most things I make, if I’m browning hamburger..I will do extra and freeze it, etc.  This helps so much! I also check out what Julie is cooking for the week and love to make a few of her recipes.

Find them here:

I also keep a “survival” bag in the used to have diapers, wipes, change of clothes. Now I make sure to keep extra water bottles, non-perishable snacks, napkins, and disposable silverware.  I also keep a  pencil box with pens, pencils, scissors, glue sticks, and a  clip board. I’m sure many of you can relate on any given day someone is eating dinner or doing homework while driving to or waiting for a practice to start.  In the winter I make sure to put extra gloves, hats, etc. This has saved us countless times from many a meltdown.

I hope everyone is having a great start to the school year and if you’re like me the countdown is already on for Christmas Break! LOL


Please leave any tips or tricks you have for getting through the day in the comments!