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Do It Yourself…for the Home

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I love a good DIY project and I’m always looking for the next one. Through the years I’ve tackled several. Some have been successful and can still be seen in our home while others have been on the curb for the next garbage pickup.

One time in particular we purchased a chair (think small recliner) for our sons nursery. After getting it home I realized it didn’t go with my “theme” so I came up with the brilliant idea to PAINT it. I went on Pinterest read all about how to paint it and what to use and really thought it was going to work. Well, it didn’t. I tried to sell it to my husband and family that it was amazing but a week later it was on the curb. Lesson learned-don’t paint a fabric chair. My husband actually cringes when I tell him I’m going to paint things now. HAHA. I’m much better at staining.

I thought it would be fun to show you some of our successful projects. I’ll include the website where I got the idea and then what our finished project looks like and add in some tips I learned while working on them. Hope you enjoy!

Wine Bottle Wall Vase

This was my VERY first project ever! I was so adamant that I do it all by myself. I’m pretty sure it took me longer to find everything at Home Depot than it did the project itself. This is the stain I used for the wood HERE.

I love how these turned out. I have two of them and switch out what’s inside based on the season.

Get Directions for this project HERE

Print Frame and Engineering Print

When you find out the cost of this project it’s going to blow your mind! I took one of my wedding photos to Office Depot and asked for an engineer print. It was less than $5! The wood for the project was only $7! I used the same stain as the wall vase.

You find the project plans for this HERE.

Bathroom Redo

When my husband first showed me this house I said absolutely not. Mostly because the “kids” bathroom was itty bitty. I found this bathroom transformation on Pinterest and basically copied everything she did.

Here is the before:

Here is the after:

I ended up getting the shelves off Amazon. I built the hook shelf using old wood scraps we had and found the hooks at Hobby Lobby. The towel rack and rest of shelving decor was also all from Hobby Lobby. I spray painted the light, faucet and toilet paper holder with THIS paint. I also painted the vanity with Mineral Paint. The countertop still needs to be replaced but overall I’m happy with how it turned out.

You can see the post I followed for this update HERE.

Floating Shelves in Bathroom

My husband built these for me soon after we moved in and they are still probably my favorite thing. Our toilet area in our master bathroom is separate and the space just seemed so sterile. I saw a post about these shelves and knew I needed them. We used the same stain as I had used for the vases above. You can find it HERE.

You can find the plans for these shelves HERE.

Corner Floating Shelves

After we did the shelves in the bathroom I was in love and wanted more. I then found this post for corner shelves and talked my husband into building them. They are in a corner of our living room sitting above our sectional. Again, we used THIS stain to match everything else.

You can find the plans for these shelves HERE.

Kitchen Backsplash and Shelving

Last but not least our latest project. We recently did a kitchen remodel. You can read more on that HERE and HERE. I had the idea to remove an upper cabinet and replace it with open shelving. I’m in LOVE with how it turned out. I ordered the piping from Amazon and we simplified the shelving (which my husband was super excited about). We used the same stain again. All the “decor” items came from TJ Maxx.

You can find all the plans for this and the backsplash HERE & HERE

That’s all our projects so far in this house. I’m sure there will be many more as I’m always looking for new ideas. Let me know if you have any questions and if you have some cool ideas I would love to see them!


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